How can you help?
As the first and only organization in the United States for Albanian immigrant healthcare professionals, AAMS was founded in 2008 for the sole purpose of offering its support to all those in need. We are at the end of our first decade with a quickly expanding membership around the country and continue our efforts to fulfill our goals: offer technical assistance to those professionals who want to integrate in the US system, donate pro-bono medical expertise to Albanian speaking immigrant patients who are under insured, conduct lecture series and exchange scientific ideas among the community of Albanian American professionals by raising the bar of education, sponsor the best and the brightest students to succeed in their medical/dental studies either in US or in our homeland, deliver humanitarian aid to areas in need of Albanian populated countries in Balkan peninsula, sustain a strong professional network with our Albanian colleagues inside and outside US, and more……
Your donation helps us support several educational and humanitarian projects. We can not achieve our above goals without the support of sponsors like you. Please act now to keep up the voice of AAMS! All donations are tax deductible.
You may select a General Donation or a specific named Fund.
General Donation
Funds collected from this selection will be utilized for AAMS related activities and missions.
Dr. Richard (Drini) Velaj’s Fund
This fund was established in Memorium of Dr. Velaj to support the best Scientific Session winning presentation.
Dr. Lindita Çoku’s Lecture Series Fund
This fund was established in recognizing Dr. Çoku’s commitment as AAMS President Emeritus and co-founder of the society.

Please click on the PayPal “Donate” button to make a donation. Funds are securely transferred. The simplest way to make a donation is to use an existing PayPal account. Credit/banking cards can also be used to make a donation. To use a credit/banking card, follow the instructions on PayPal's donation page under "Don't have a PayPal account?”